
Exciting things are happening at the Lindsey home.

First of all, Mckay was accepted into the Masters of Accounting (MAcc) program at Utah State! I am so proud of him. I cannot begin to describe how incredible he is. He works so hard in school and in everything he does. There is an option at Utah State where if you do well enough during your undergraduate accounting degree you can qualify for the five year program. So Mckay will be able to get his undergraduate degree and his Masters degree in five years!

When I asked him if he had told his parents yet he said, "No, because it's not that big of a deal. I didn't have to take an entrance exam or anything." Well, I'm here to tell you it is a big deal because he takes extremely hard classes and does extremely well. The requirement to do the accelerated accounting program is to pass certain classes with certain grades. If he passes those classes then he doesn't have to take an entrance exam, but can immediately start taking his master's classes. Well, he did that and that is something to be excited about! So Mckay will be a part of the Fall 2016 graduating class!

The exciting news for me is that I will be done with my degree next Fall semester! Finally right? I just started my internship last month and then I will have one semester of classes to take. There is a light at the end of this very long tunnel! I have been grateful for my education though. I was able to experience many different universities. I have met some amazing people and learned some really neat things along the way. I am so grateful I have had the opportunity to get an education. It has been something that is very important to me. There have been many times in the last couple of months I have wanted to quit and drop out. This semester has been a little overwhelming, but I am so close and it means too much to me to not get my degree.

Though there are still many unknowns we are excited for what the future holds and are so grateful for the many opportunities we have.