So, it has been a while...
Life is so good. I have been so thankful for all that has been happening in my life. There is so much unknown in my future, but it just adds to the adventure of life! I am starting to appreciate this time in my life where there are so many decisions to make. I love it. It is stressful beyond measure, but through the stress and decisions and mistakes I feel like I am becoming the person that I want to be. I am starting to recognize the miracle of making choices and learning from those choices. Nothing in my life is perfect. I seem to find at least one way to fail everyday, but I am grateful for each new day that comes where I can have another try.
Lately I have been trying to learn how to go with the flow. Trying to figure out my future has led me to the realization that I worry like a big worry wart! I want to plan and know every detail of my life, but where's the fun in that? I feel the Lord just saying relax and enjoy the ride. Everyday He gives me another little piece to the puzzle of my life and it is so exciting. I just have to figure out how they all fit together!
I was thinking the other day about work, working at Pasta Factory. In the past four years I have spent so much time at that place getting to know all the people that I work with. My co-workers and I have so many interesting and diverse conversations. Although I feel more and more that I need to find a better and more challenging job I am so grateful for the time that I have spent there. This semester my school schedule has allowed me to work a lot of 12-5 shifts at work. This shift is right around the time that the restaurant gets slow so I get a lot of time to talk to the 12-5 waiter. Yesterday we were talking and I realized that the people that I have associated with at Pasta Factory has shaped me to an extent. Is that good or bad? I'm not sure, but I love it. The other weekend my old roommate Kaylee came to St. George to visit and I got to introduce her to all of my work friends and I realized that Pasta Factory is so much a part of my life. The people that I work with are my friends. Whenever I have something on my mind I can tell them and sometimes I get all sorts of crazy advice, but most of the time I get some really great advice that helps me. They also give me support. Every time I tell them my new future plan they are all supportive and encourage me. Of course there is relentless teasing mixed in, but that's what makes it fun. Ah! I am crazy. I need to get out of there! I will. I commit, right now, that I will find a different job.
So here's the update:
Plan A.
Stay here at Dixie and get my Physical Therapy Assistant Associates Degree and then take the few classes left to get my exercise science degree at BYU-Provo. Either continue to mooch off my parents while it's still semi-okay, or move out and lose a lot of money. Find a different job and work at Pasta minimally. Enjoy the amazing weather and recreational fun here in Southern Utah for another 3 1/2 years. Oh man, that's a long time.
Plan B.
Apply to BYU-Provo now and study Exercise Science. Move out and meet new people, be with my brother, and be in the dreary cold. And lose a lot of money.
Plan C.
Finish out this year of school, work my little tail off, and put my papers in to serve an LDS mission next Fall. Then figure out my life from there.
So many paths. So many positive options.
"Sometimes we have to take a step in the darkness and have faith the light will follow."
Last week I was able to get Mckay's Holiday package together!
The package consisted of his Halloween Card, a Thanksgiving tree, a Christmas card and poem, an ordinary poem, and a few pictures. I have spent a lot of time putting this package together and so I have been so excited to send it to him. All I have heard of sending packages or letters to Brazil has been negative so I have been praying for the past month that this package would make it to him safely. I received a letter from him earlier this month. He made it to Brazil safely and is now struggling to get the language down. He is having so many crazy adventures though. I am so thankful for his example and that I get to write him and hear from him.
Occasionally I will visit his family. I love them so much. Every time I go over there I learn so much about families, about the gospel, and about being happy. They are kind enough to let me read some of his emails. Oh man, he is so funny. A couple of weeks ago he sent them an email and he said that he realized the importance of finding joy in everyday life. So he wrote about a bunch of funny things that happened to him that week. He is such a great example to me. It was cool. The other day I was reading in The Book of Mormon and the spirit led me to 2 Nephi 2:25. Men are that they might have joy. He is miles ahead of me, but I realized that he is so right. Those everyday moments that make us smile and laugh are the moments that mean the most. Those are the tender mercies the Lord gives us through all the stress and trials on earth.
I hope that my package gives him a little joy during this holiday season!
Well, I have to study now and write a paper that I should have been writing right now.
Happy Finals Eve!!
Magnificent Monday
Monday, October 31, 2011
Okay, so maybe I should be doing my homework right now, but all I want to do is blog. So that's what I am going to do.
For my English class I am supposed to write an autobiography and instead of writing I thought of all the things that I have experienced in my short 19 (soon to be 20) years. I thought a lot about my childhood and all the funny memories with my siblings. I reminded my siblings today about when we would sit around singing Barbara Ann by The Beach Boys. We all had a part and it sounded legit. Yeah, we all agreed we were pretty cool.
Sometimes I wonder how I got to be where I am.
Today was one of those days that I could see the Lord's hand in my life so clearly. He has kept me in the palms of his hands and has guided my life.
I enjoyed a beautiful bike ride to the pond by my house today. I always forget how amazing St. George is. The weather is perfect. Again, I felt God's love. I saw it in the rich colors of the grass and the golden sunshine.
In my Family Relationships class we are studying the chapter on Love. I am humbled by the amount of love that I have been able to experience in my life. Especially from my Savior. I knew that this last summer and this year would bring unexpected things, but I never imagined that I could go through so much in such a short period of time. I would pray just to be prepared for what was coming. Honestly, I wasn't. But, the Lord was and the whole time He was waiting for me to turn to him. He was waiting for me to seek Him so He could encompass me in His love.
This last weekend I realized something. I know what I was sent to earth to do. It is an overwhelming urge sometimes and sometimes it makes me feel as light as a falling feather.
My divine potential is to create an eternal family and raise righteous children unto the Lord. I was sent to be a righteous mother in Zion. In a family class that I took at BYU-I, my teacher would repeat a phrase that I will never forget."Be intentional in what you do in your marriage and family." Honestly, all I want to grow up to be is a mother. I can think of no greater profession that would fulfill me as much as this could.
There is just one problem. I don't really have the skills to be a good mother and while I am learning through different experiences I have realized that I need to be intentional in my preparation just as I need to be intentional in what I do in my marriage and family.
Now, I don't know when the right guy will come into my life, but by golly, he better watch out because I am going to be prepared to fulfill my calling!
I got to interview my aunt and uncle Pence this last weekend and it was a really cool experience. They have been married 32 years and have raised 6 kids and when I asked them over the 32 years they have been married if they have been happy they immediately said yes. Their faces beamed and when the interview was over my aunt looked at me and said that the longer they are married the stronger her love grows for her husband. I believe that this is the message of the Gospel. Love is eternal. Families are eternal. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is true.
Well, there are my random thoughts that have been bouncing around in my head.
Happy Halloween!
For my English class I am supposed to write an autobiography and instead of writing I thought of all the things that I have experienced in my short 19 (soon to be 20) years. I thought a lot about my childhood and all the funny memories with my siblings. I reminded my siblings today about when we would sit around singing Barbara Ann by The Beach Boys. We all had a part and it sounded legit. Yeah, we all agreed we were pretty cool.
Sometimes I wonder how I got to be where I am.
Today was one of those days that I could see the Lord's hand in my life so clearly. He has kept me in the palms of his hands and has guided my life.
I enjoyed a beautiful bike ride to the pond by my house today. I always forget how amazing St. George is. The weather is perfect. Again, I felt God's love. I saw it in the rich colors of the grass and the golden sunshine.
In my Family Relationships class we are studying the chapter on Love. I am humbled by the amount of love that I have been able to experience in my life. Especially from my Savior. I knew that this last summer and this year would bring unexpected things, but I never imagined that I could go through so much in such a short period of time. I would pray just to be prepared for what was coming. Honestly, I wasn't. But, the Lord was and the whole time He was waiting for me to turn to him. He was waiting for me to seek Him so He could encompass me in His love.
This last weekend I realized something. I know what I was sent to earth to do. It is an overwhelming urge sometimes and sometimes it makes me feel as light as a falling feather.
My divine potential is to create an eternal family and raise righteous children unto the Lord. I was sent to be a righteous mother in Zion. In a family class that I took at BYU-I, my teacher would repeat a phrase that I will never forget."Be intentional in what you do in your marriage and family." Honestly, all I want to grow up to be is a mother. I can think of no greater profession that would fulfill me as much as this could.
There is just one problem. I don't really have the skills to be a good mother and while I am learning through different experiences I have realized that I need to be intentional in my preparation just as I need to be intentional in what I do in my marriage and family.
Now, I don't know when the right guy will come into my life, but by golly, he better watch out because I am going to be prepared to fulfill my calling!
I got to interview my aunt and uncle Pence this last weekend and it was a really cool experience. They have been married 32 years and have raised 6 kids and when I asked them over the 32 years they have been married if they have been happy they immediately said yes. Their faces beamed and when the interview was over my aunt looked at me and said that the longer they are married the stronger her love grows for her husband. I believe that this is the message of the Gospel. Love is eternal. Families are eternal. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is true.
Well, there are my random thoughts that have been bouncing around in my head.
Happy Halloween!
Mine and Adriana's Pumpkins
Members of the Inspiration Choir
Our October Social
My first time making Pumpkin Pie
It was a success!
Joshy and Beka ready to go Trick-or-treating
Joshy is such a cheese ball!
So Many Adventures!
Monday, October 17, 2011
Last Saturday I got to go with my sister, her 3 beautiful children, and my mom on a picnic.
It was so fun! My niece and nephew and I played pirates on the playground.
It was so funny, my niece, Becca, shown in the above picture was playing with this sweet little girl at the park. The girl had an umbrella that she was playing with. In the time that we were all playing together I learned that the umbrella was the little girl's friend's umbrella. Make sense? It wasn't really her umbrella. Anyway, the real owner of the umbrella came over with the umbrella and all of the sudden Becca was grabbing the umbrella trying to give it back to the little girl! She was so distressed, screaming "give that back!" I helped to pry her off of the umbrella and tried to explain to her that it really was her umbrella, but she wouldn't have it! She kept saying, "C'mon, I can tell them the truth!"
She is so sweet. Haha!
Institute Hoe Down!

Fall Break!
I started my Fall break off with a crazy Yellowcard concert with Tyler Robinson. We both used to like Yellowcard when we were younger so it was fun to hear some of their old songs. Tyler works for Poll Sound and does the sound for concerts for his job. He taught me all about the sound in concerts and all the background stuff that goes on.

Thursday, Adriana and I got together and made some cards for Mckade and Mckay. Since it's almost Halloween! I also made this card for Alex, who let me stay at her house this weekend. I love making cards! They are usually all about the same, but it is relaxing and fun!
Saturday we got up really early and went to the MTC to volunteer to be "investigators." It was an awesome experience. We were "investigators" for Japanese speaking sisters, so I didn't really know what was being said, but it was an amazing experience to just listen to the spirit and feel their testimonies. It was also cool to hear Jamie speaking Japanese! He can speak another language! After grabbing some doughnuts we got ready and then took a really long nap. We tried to get some homework done, but wasn't too successful. Instead we went up Provo Canyon to a park and enjoyed the amazing weather and beautiful fall colors. We live in such a beautiful world! When we got back we went to a stake Carnival and had dinner. We ended the night with a game night playing Blurt and Banana Grams with some of his friends and roommates. Sunday I went to Sacrament Meeting with him and then drove home. It was a relaxing and super fun weekend!
I am so thankful for an older brother. I love him so much. The Lord knew that I would need a best friend, brother, example, and teacher to help guide me through life. I am so thankful He knew!
The cherry on top of this whole weekend was coming home to a letter from Mckay!! He is doing so good! He is so busy I am surprised he has time to write me! He was able to baptize Eddy, a guy he was teaching that had come a long way. It sounded like it was an amazing experience for him. While I was in Provo Jamie's friend Julie said that her brother got his Visa and was going to the Brazil MTC. She said that a lot of people got their Visa's so when I got home I visited the Lindsey's and they said that Mckay got his Visa!! He's leaving Washington on Tuesday and will be in Brazil on Wednesday! I am so excited for him!
I am so blessed. Life is good.
Sorry this is so long! Just too much going on at the same time!
Have a magnificent Monday!
These are a Few of my Favorite Things
Friday, October 7, 2011
I love the Fall in St. George! It makes everything seem magical.
I have been craving Hot Chocolate, sweats, and Pride and Prejudice. The Keira Knightley version. There is something about the rain scene...
Today Inspiration Choir sang Each Life That Touches Ours For Good.
One of the verses starts with a chord from the piano and then we sing acapella in parts.
I love being in the middle of the choir and hearing all the parts.
It makes my heart so happy!
The Holiday Season is coming!
I love November.
It is my birthday (I'm turning 20!),
My sister Lucy's birthday,
And Thanksgiving!
This morning I ran.
It was so beautiful.
I ran to the temple and back from the Institute building.
When I got to the temple I met a lady that had just barely ran the Huntsman Senior Games Half Marathon.
She got 3rd in women and 5th overall.
She is my hero.
She also told me I was beautiful. :)
Even while I was running!
At the end of my run I checked my pulse.
130 beats/min.
I was within my target heart rate.
I am healthy!
Lately, I have been talking to girls that are older than me and have been gaining so much strength.
Rebecca and Erin in my ward are the greatest examples to me.
Along with my 3 older sisters.
I talked to Alison Carroll about her mission and things leading up to it.
She gave me courage.
I love getting letters.
Mckay wrote this week and it made me laugh so hard.
I love his conquering attitude.
It also gives me courage.
He said they ride their bikes everywhere (which is perfect for him).
"We are entering the rain season right now too. Bring it on. I love just riding everywhere in the rain and getting soaking wet."
He would do this before too.
He would ride up to Paradise Canyon in the pouring rain and love it.
Crazy kid! :)
Well, I am off to an Institute Hoe Down!
Yee Haw!
The Light of a Family
Sunday, October 2, 2011
This week was SO incredibly hard, but it was also filled with lessons straight from Heaven. I feel so much joy it's overwhelming! The Lord answers prayers in such an unexpected way.
That's not what I wanted to blog about though! I just got home from visiting a family that has truly changed my life.
That's not what I wanted to blog about though! I just got home from visiting a family that has truly changed my life.
The Lindsey's love has truly changed and shaped my life. Every chance I get to talk to them I leave feeling so much love and joy and peace. When I visited them today I was able to read an email from Mckay too! He is in TACOMA, WASHINGTON. He is so funny. He writes his letters just how he talks and it makes me so happy. He tells so many stories. Mckay always had a story for me. Sometimes they were a little disturbing. I would always ask him why he would tell me disturbing stories and he would just say, "I don't know." Haha! The most amazing thing about the Lindsey's is their love. Especially their love for each other. Their lives are centered around the Gospel and you can feel it when you talk to them and spend time with them. I love them so much. They are a light in my life.
In the past week I have felt so many emotions. It has been exhausting. There is something that I need to declare though. I just feel it so strongly and am so thankful.
I am a daughter of God.
I have the potential and all the essential tools built inside of me to be exactly what God is. That is His desire for me.
I matter to Him.
My feelings and desires are known to Him.
He loves me.
He loves me so much that He would allow me to get hurt to teach me precious truths essential to return to Him.
He stands by me when I choose the right and He will never forsake me.
He is the light and it is His light that illuminates my soul.
I will conquer and overcome all through His name.
He lives.
And I am His daughter.
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
"My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.
Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in necessities, in persecutions, in distresses for Christ's sake: for when I am weak, then am I strong." 2 Cor. 12:9-10
Be true to the Light within you!
Institute is the best! Happy Tuesday!
Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in necessities, in persecutions, in distresses for Christ's sake: for when I am weak, then am I strong." 2 Cor. 12:9-10
Be true to the Light within you!
Institute is the best! Happy Tuesday!
Monday, September 12, 2011
Oh look at this beautiful girl! Lucy and Jane came home last week and I got to be with this little angel for a whole week. I miss her so much! I don't know if I have ever seen a more beautiful little girl. It was so good to spend time with Lucy and talk to my sister. I miss her so much. Living in Rexburg was not my favorite, but I do miss being so close to Lucy and Cody. We were sad that Cody wasn't able to come too.
These are the other two angels that I have been blessed with. Before school started for Adriana and I we went and saw Grease and Tuacahn. We had such a fun night.
Life has been super crazy lately. I have been busy with school and work. Trying to balance school and a job gets pretty crazy. I love it though. I love being in St. George and going to school at Dixie. I have been called to be the ward representative for Institute so I have been busy with that. It has been so fun and I have met so many great people. I love institute. I love being there with all the teachers that just love you and want everything that is good for you. Also, I tried out for Inspiration Choir and I made it! I was so happy and excited! We sang our first performance on the 9th. I love singing!
My swimming class is the best thing in the world! I love it. It is super challenging, but that's what is so great about it. I love being there in the morning and learning how to swim. The sun is coming up and the water feels amazing and I'm breathing hard. I just love exercising!
I am still little by little coping with the sudden change of plans in my life. Most of the time I am doing great, but there's just that small percentage of the time when I remember what I thought I was going to be doing at this time and it makes me a little sad, but I have learned so much about grace. The Lord truly loves us and he loves to fix broken things. His grace is made perfect in our imperfections. I LOVE the third verse in the Hymn Precious Savior, Dear Redeemer.
"Precious savior, dear redeemer, thou wilt bind the broken heart. Let not sorrow overwhelm us; dry the bitter tears that start. Curb the winds and calm the billows; bid the angry tempest cease. Precious savior, dear redeemer, grant us everlasting peace. "
Inspiration choir sang this song for our first performance at the Friday Forum. I don't have very much time, but I have been learning so many truths lately too! I can't even believe how much truth there is in this world! I love truth!
One last Angel....
I heard from Mckay! He leaves the MTC this week, but not to Brazil....He still didn't know where he was going. He was so excited to be getting a temporary reassignment. He sounded a little nervous, but who wouldn't be?? He said that Elder Holland came to the MTC to speak and he was so excited! Mckay wrote that Elder Holland told them "If you're struggling right now...welcome to life!" I thought that was awesome!
Just some awesome insights from Mckay that have helped me:
"A mission isn't just about good times, fun and games, we are doing the Father's business, and it's time to go to work! I really like your life motto: "Do Hard Things." I think that it is a great motto. I too have a life motto: "Do Work."
"I am recommitting myself to be EXACTLY obedient. There is always room for improvement."
"Just because we know something in our heads doesn't mean we know it in our hearts. The gospel doesn't become real to us when we believe it. It becomes real to us when we live it. There is a difference between testimony and conversion."
He's the bomb-diggity.
Thank goodness for Angels the Lord sends to bear us up!
Spread some happiness
Friday, September 2, 2011
Lighting someone else's candle makes the world a brighter place!
Yup, I did it.
Friday, August 12, 2011
I finally cut my hair! I donated 10 inches to Locks of Love. Although I miss my long hair and am excited for it to grow back, I am enjoying the lightness of it. Oh, this is Savannah and I at her birthday dinner! We had a fun weekend celbrating my mom's, Savannah's and Mark's (Brother-in-law) birthdays! I am looking forward to school and being busy again.
Just a little something I've been thinking about.
"It is your reaction to adversirty, not the adversity itself, that determines how your life's story will develop." - President Dieter F. Uchtdorf
If you haven't read this talk you should. It's super good. You can find it here.
Love life and stay positive! :)
Tender Mercies
Friday, August 5, 2011
I'm not going to lie, life has been a little challenging lately. I feel this space to grow and become better, but I don't exactly know how to fill that space, how to let myself grow. Well, my first problem is probably that I think that I have anything to do with it. :) I don't. I just need patience and faith in the Lord and HE will help me fill that space.
Anyway, I have decided this morning that I need to focus on the tender mercies of the Lord. I have seen so many of them in my life lately and I need to remember where they come from and what they mean. God loves me and he is blessing me. The greatest blessing of the gospel is that it is simple.
So, this morning Adriana and I went to Sand Hollow Aquatic Center and swam laps. We like to exercise together and it was the most amazing thing ever. First, I love Adriana so it doesn't matter what we're doing I am enjoying myself. Second, I only live a few blocks away from the Aquatic Center so I rode my bike and it was the most beautiful morning. It wasn't so hot. Third, swimming is the bomb diggity. It is such a good work out. Fourth, Adriana and I are going to do a beginners triathlon (which is something that I have wanted to do for a long time now! Finally!). :) I am so EXCITED!
Earlier this week she asked me to go with her and hang out with the Sister Missionaries. This was an amazing experience. I was able to get a feel of what a mission would be like and meet some really great people.
Lately, I have had time to spend with my dear friend Savannah. It is her birthday this weekend and I am so excited to celebrate. She has this happy spirit that I love so much. We can laugh and be silly and it is such a blessing to me. Life is so much easier with good friends.
Which reminds me, my brother is moving to Provo next week. He got a job and they want him to start next week. While I'm thankful that he found a job, I am seriously disappointed that they are taking my best friend away for the last two weeks of summer. I will just have to go and visit him!
Sometimes life feels like it's crashing down on me so heavily, but really, it's not. I have so much to be thankful for. Each day is filled with tender mercies and personalized packages of love from my father in heaven.
Anyway, I have decided this morning that I need to focus on the tender mercies of the Lord. I have seen so many of them in my life lately and I need to remember where they come from and what they mean. God loves me and he is blessing me. The greatest blessing of the gospel is that it is simple.
So, this morning Adriana and I went to Sand Hollow Aquatic Center and swam laps. We like to exercise together and it was the most amazing thing ever. First, I love Adriana so it doesn't matter what we're doing I am enjoying myself. Second, I only live a few blocks away from the Aquatic Center so I rode my bike and it was the most beautiful morning. It wasn't so hot. Third, swimming is the bomb diggity. It is such a good work out. Fourth, Adriana and I are going to do a beginners triathlon (which is something that I have wanted to do for a long time now! Finally!). :) I am so EXCITED!
Earlier this week she asked me to go with her and hang out with the Sister Missionaries. This was an amazing experience. I was able to get a feel of what a mission would be like and meet some really great people.
Lately, I have had time to spend with my dear friend Savannah. It is her birthday this weekend and I am so excited to celebrate. She has this happy spirit that I love so much. We can laugh and be silly and it is such a blessing to me. Life is so much easier with good friends.
Which reminds me, my brother is moving to Provo next week. He got a job and they want him to start next week. While I'm thankful that he found a job, I am seriously disappointed that they are taking my best friend away for the last two weeks of summer. I will just have to go and visit him!
Sometimes life feels like it's crashing down on me so heavily, but really, it's not. I have so much to be thankful for. Each day is filled with tender mercies and personalized packages of love from my father in heaven.
Have a great day and try to notice the tender mercies in your life!
Monday, July 25, 2011
My Interpersonal Communications Professor was describing what love felt like to him or how he has felt love. He described it as a feeling of Gratitude. Even though he is a little anti-Mormon and I'm sure he didn't mean for this to be religious I have thought about it a lot and I agree with this whole-heartedly. I feel like this is another precious truth that has been given to me.
The times that I have felt the most love in my life it has resulted in a feeling of deep gratitude. First, from my Heavenly Father and my Savior Jesus Christ, but also from family, friends, and even some boys that have been in my life.
Recently I have had to make some major decisions and alter some plans of mine and it has been a little stressful. Through all of the stress though I have been able to feel an overwhelming sense of love from my father in Heaven. There have been things that have happened in the last month that have reminded me that the Lord knows every detail of my life and he has everything under control. Each day I feel like he is teaching me a little more about who I am and what my mission is here on earth. There is still a lot of searching for me to do, but I finally feel like I'm moving forward. I am so excited for whatever the future brings and for whatever it has to teach me.
The times that I have felt the most love in my life it has resulted in a feeling of deep gratitude. First, from my Heavenly Father and my Savior Jesus Christ, but also from family, friends, and even some boys that have been in my life.
Recently I have had to make some major decisions and alter some plans of mine and it has been a little stressful. Through all of the stress though I have been able to feel an overwhelming sense of love from my father in Heaven. There have been things that have happened in the last month that have reminded me that the Lord knows every detail of my life and he has everything under control. Each day I feel like he is teaching me a little more about who I am and what my mission is here on earth. There is still a lot of searching for me to do, but I finally feel like I'm moving forward. I am so excited for whatever the future brings and for whatever it has to teach me.
Lately I have been filled with a lot of love. And I am so grateful.
Summer Fun
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Life is Good.
Some Summer fun. :)
Jamie and I at Bridal Veil Falls.
Jordan at the Airport!
Dutchman's Sign.
Gunlock Lake. 4th of July.
Adriana and I hiking Bryce Canyon.
Savannah and I in Snow Canyon Cave.
Playing Cooties with Mom and Mckay.
Bryce Canyon Half-Marathon Finish Line! 2 Hours and 14 Min!
Mom and I in Zion's National Park.
New Truths
Friday, July 8, 2011
"Just love life, Joan."
This has got to be my favorite thing that Jordan says to me. Life is super stressful and it's so good for me when he reminds me of why I am here and what I am trying to accomplish.
"Joy in the Journey."
Life is truly a crazy adventure with a lot of ups and downs. The most valuable truth I have learned lately is that this life is to be enjoyed. In institute we have been learning that the Lord is more interested in the journey than the destination. The journey is how we reach the destination. Why not enjoy it? Right? Trials are going to come, but realizing that these experiences are a part of the journey back home makes it a lot easier to endure.
Loving Life + Enjoying the Journey = Pure Joy
Thursday, June 16, 2011
A very valuable lesson that I learned at BYU-Idaho is that we should always be seeking for truth. The Lord has placed truth everywhere in our lives it is our responsibility to search for it. I believe that truth is what makes us happy. The gospel of Jesus Christ is truth. That is the reason why it brings complete joy into my life. Truth is testified to our spirits by the Holy Ghost that is why it brings peace and comfort.
Love: an act of work and courage.
Sister Twiggs, my substitute institute teacher, defined love as this. When she wrote this on the board I felt all of the peace and comfort and joy that accompanies truth. Love is work. True love is work. I have watched my sisters love their husbands and the dedication they devote to this relationship is inspiring. Watching them work so hard I have realized that this is not always easy, but I have seen them exercise faith and courage and reap the blessings of staying true to their covenants. There have been other couples and even other relationships that have taught me the same thing.
Lately, I have felt overwhelming love from my Savior. I have felt such deep gratitude for the life that he has provided me. Learning this new definition of love has made me reflect on how much work the Lord has truly done and does for me to feel his love. He sacrificed all that he had for each individual human our Heavenly Father has created. At this time in my life I am planning. I am hoping and dreaming of all the things my life can hold. When I think about the courage that it would take for me to give up all of my dreams so others can live theirs I can just barely begin to understand the love that the Lord has for me.
This is the truth that I have been taught. It has greatly added to my happiness. I hope that you seek for truth and experience the joy that it offers. Truth=knowledge=progression=happiness.
Thursday, June 2, 2011
When I stop to think about the process of growing up I am amazed. It seems like one day you are a little girl dreaming about high school, college, prince charming, and happily ever after. Then all of the sudden you wake up and all of that is staring at you in the face. I just recently read a book. I must admit I am an LDS novel reader. I love them. Anyway, I went to the Library and found one called Growing Up Gracie. It was really good. In a weird way it shed some light on my life and gave me hope. There are many people in my life who I admire and look to for guidance and direction. I have found myself more than once wondering how they became to be such amazing people. Little by little I am finding out how the Lord helped them become all that they are. Thankfully he knows what he is doing because in the last year I have been clueless. The view from where I am at life seems to be a big mess, but I know that the Lord sees the masterpiece.
At this point the Lord has led me to a variety of things.
1. School. Summer school started this week. For some odd reason I graduated high school and fell in love with learning. It is empowering. It leads us to progress. Although not all my classes are that uplifting I am enjoying my Interpersonal Communications class and Beginning Tennis class. Also, I have the opportunity to take the Old Testament Institute class with my sweet mother. In two classes the spirit has unlocked loads of light into my life.
2. Work. I have returned to Pasta Factory to work and in the last couple of weeks Brad has allowed me to wait tables. I have had such a fun time. Eventually I will get the hang of it and be able to not get so stressed. Tuacahn also starts this week. I wouldn't say I am exactly jumping for joy that it's starting up again, but I am definitely grateful for the job.
3. Running. I love it. It is painful and tiring, but at the same time it is rewarding and rejuvenating. Since last fall after I had a few months to forget all the details about the Half Marathon I have been super excited to start training again. I signed up last week and in seven weeks I will be faced with 13.1 miles of fun! I can't wait.
4. Adriana. This girl had blessed my life in countless ways in the last two months. When she heard that I was running the Bryce half again she asked me if she could train with me and run. I was more than happy to help her and to gain a running partner. There are some people who are just good. This girl is everything I hope that I can be. We are taking the Beginning Tennis class together and by the end of the term I am going to have rock soild abs from laughing at ourselves.
5. YSA. I am going to the Young Single Adult ward and I love it. I love being around people my own age. It is a very close ward also. It is easy to feel welcome and comfortable, something I missed when attending BYU-I.
6. Jordan. I received Elder Wittwer's last letter yeasterday. Tommorrow is his two year mark. He officially has 12 days left in Portugal. Jordan has this talent of bearing a simple, sincere testimony that brings peace everytime I read it. I am excited and ready for whatever happens when he comes home. It is a little surreal that I will talk with him face to face in less than two weeks! :)
I believe that is it. My life has been full. I am so thankful.
At this point the Lord has led me to a variety of things.
1. School. Summer school started this week. For some odd reason I graduated high school and fell in love with learning. It is empowering. It leads us to progress. Although not all my classes are that uplifting I am enjoying my Interpersonal Communications class and Beginning Tennis class. Also, I have the opportunity to take the Old Testament Institute class with my sweet mother. In two classes the spirit has unlocked loads of light into my life.
2. Work. I have returned to Pasta Factory to work and in the last couple of weeks Brad has allowed me to wait tables. I have had such a fun time. Eventually I will get the hang of it and be able to not get so stressed. Tuacahn also starts this week. I wouldn't say I am exactly jumping for joy that it's starting up again, but I am definitely grateful for the job.
3. Running. I love it. It is painful and tiring, but at the same time it is rewarding and rejuvenating. Since last fall after I had a few months to forget all the details about the Half Marathon I have been super excited to start training again. I signed up last week and in seven weeks I will be faced with 13.1 miles of fun! I can't wait.
4. Adriana. This girl had blessed my life in countless ways in the last two months. When she heard that I was running the Bryce half again she asked me if she could train with me and run. I was more than happy to help her and to gain a running partner. There are some people who are just good. This girl is everything I hope that I can be. We are taking the Beginning Tennis class together and by the end of the term I am going to have rock soild abs from laughing at ourselves.
5. YSA. I am going to the Young Single Adult ward and I love it. I love being around people my own age. It is a very close ward also. It is easy to feel welcome and comfortable, something I missed when attending BYU-I.
6. Jordan. I received Elder Wittwer's last letter yeasterday. Tommorrow is his two year mark. He officially has 12 days left in Portugal. Jordan has this talent of bearing a simple, sincere testimony that brings peace everytime I read it. I am excited and ready for whatever happens when he comes home. It is a little surreal that I will talk with him face to face in less than two weeks! :)
I believe that is it. My life has been full. I am so thankful.
Monday, May 16, 2011
29 Days Everybody!
I miss my brother. He left this morning. How come he has to live in Provo? He is my best friend. We had such a great time this weekend. I'm so thankful for all that he teaches me. I feel so blessed to have such a great friend, example, and brother.
Oh, and Sister Beck said this,
"It's all about your heart and your hands."
This is my new motivation.
Love you all!
Good Day
Monday, April 25, 2011
John 16:33 - These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation; but be of good Cheer; I have overcome the world.
At the moment that Christ completed the atonement he conquered all things. What is there to fear? I love my Savior. And I know he loves me.
This weekend my roommate Savannah came down to visit me in St. George. We had a blast! We got free manicures, went out to lunch, toured Paul Mitchell, visited the temple, and talked and talked. I love her so much. I am thankful for her example and friendship. My brother also came down this weekend. Savannah and I helped him pick out some new clothes. That was also super fun. I miss my brother already and he hasn't even been gone a full day. I love him so much.
This morning I ran 6 miles with my brother-in-law. It was a blast. I'm so thankful for family that is encouraging and loving. I'm also thankful for a healthy body that I have been given. This evening I watched Pride and Prejudice (the A&E version) and went to the pond by my house and wrote in my journal. My friend Mckay and I would sit there for hours talking. I seem to find the most peace there. I am thankful for the earth and the rich colors that there are this time of year. I love St. George so much. It's been a good day.
At the moment that Christ completed the atonement he conquered all things. What is there to fear? I love my Savior. And I know he loves me.
This morning I ran 6 miles with my brother-in-law. It was a blast. I'm so thankful for family that is encouraging and loving. I'm also thankful for a healthy body that I have been given. This evening I watched Pride and Prejudice (the A&E version) and went to the pond by my house and wrote in my journal. My friend Mckay and I would sit there for hours talking. I seem to find the most peace there. I am thankful for the earth and the rich colors that there are this time of year. I love St. George so much. It's been a good day.
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