So Many Adventures!

Last Saturday I got to go with my sister, her 3 beautiful children, and my mom on a picnic.
It was so fun! My niece and nephew and I played pirates on the playground.
It was so funny, my niece, Becca, shown in the above picture was playing with this sweet little girl at the park. The girl had an umbrella that she was playing with. In the time that we were all playing together I learned that the umbrella was the little girl's friend's umbrella. Make sense? It wasn't really her umbrella. Anyway, the real owner of the umbrella came over with the umbrella and all of the sudden Becca was grabbing the umbrella trying to give it back to the little girl! She was so distressed, screaming "give that back!" I helped to pry her off of the umbrella and tried to explain to her that it really was her umbrella, but she wouldn't have it! She kept saying, "C'mon, I can tell them the truth!"
She is so sweet. Haha!

Institute Hoe Down!

 Savannah, Taylor, Spencer and I had a blast at the Institute Dance square dance! Spencer and I got real good at square dancing and we dominated the line dancing. After the dance we went to the spinning park and spun our little hearts out. I'm so thankful for good friends!

Fall Break!

I started my Fall break off with a crazy Yellowcard concert with Tyler Robinson. We both used to like Yellowcard when we were younger so it was fun to hear some of their old songs. Tyler works for Poll Sound and does the sound for concerts for his job. He taught me all about the sound in concerts and all the background stuff that goes on.

Thursday, Adriana and I got together and made some cards for Mckade and Mckay. Since it's almost Halloween! I also made this card for Alex, who let me stay at her house this weekend. I love making cards! They are usually all about the same, but it is relaxing and fun!


On Friday I started on my own little adventure! I got in my little Desert Rose and drove to Provo to see my brother! This was the first time I had ever driven on the Freeway by myself for an extended period of time. I have always wanted to go on a trip and this last weekend was the perfect opportunity to see my brother and have my own little adventure! 

Being able to spend time with my brother was such a blessing this weekend. We had so much fun! When I got there Jamie was still working, but after work we went to Olive Garden and ate dinner before his Soccer game. I got to watch him play soccer again! So later I was able to meet his friend Julie and we went ice skating at Seven Peaks. This was my first time ice skating ever and it was hard! Our ankles were pretty sore afterward. We ended the night by driving up on a mountain to Jamie's spot and looking over Provo and talking about everything. Mostly he was trying to convince me to come to school there! I spent the night at Alex's house and was able to catch up with her. I love her so much. She is such an amazing example to me. I love the advice she gives me and the encouragement and support.

Saturday we got up really early and went to the MTC to volunteer to be "investigators." It was an awesome experience. We were "investigators" for Japanese speaking sisters, so I didn't really know what was being said, but it was an amazing experience to just listen to the spirit and feel their testimonies. It was also cool to hear Jamie speaking Japanese! He can speak another language! After grabbing some doughnuts we got ready and then took a really long nap. We tried to get some homework done, but wasn't too successful. Instead we went up Provo Canyon to a park and enjoyed the amazing weather and beautiful fall colors. We live in such a beautiful world! When we got back we went to a stake Carnival and had dinner. We ended the night with a game night playing Blurt and Banana Grams with some of his friends and roommates. Sunday I went to Sacrament Meeting with him and then drove home. It was a relaxing and super fun weekend!


I am so thankful for an older brother. I love him so much. The Lord knew that I would need a best friend, brother, example, and teacher to help guide me through life. I am so thankful He knew!

The cherry on top of this whole weekend was coming home to a letter from Mckay!! He is doing so good! He is so busy I am surprised he has time to write me! He was able to baptize Eddy, a guy he was teaching that had come a long way. It sounded like it was an amazing experience for him. While I was in Provo Jamie's friend Julie said that her brother got his Visa and was going to the Brazil MTC. She said that a lot of people got their Visa's so when I got home I visited the Lindsey's and they said that Mckay got his Visa!! He's leaving Washington on Tuesday and will be in Brazil on Wednesday! I am so excited for him!

I am so blessed. Life is good.
Sorry this is so long! Just too much going on at the same time!
Have a magnificent Monday!

1 comment

  1. I am so glad the Desert Rose (I love that name) got you to Provo okay. I am glad that you had fun! Love the story about Beka...that little nugget. Now you and Jamie need to come see me!!!! I hate being so far away.
