New Truths

"Just love life, Joan."
This has got to be my favorite thing that Jordan says to me. Life is super stressful and it's so good for me when he reminds me of why I am here and what I am trying to accomplish.

"Joy in the Journey."
Life is truly a crazy adventure with a lot of ups and downs. The most valuable truth I have learned lately is that this life is to be enjoyed. In institute we have been learning that the Lord is more interested in the journey than the destination. The journey is how we reach the destination. Why not enjoy it? Right? Trials are going to come, but realizing that these experiences are a part of the journey back home makes it a lot easier to endure.

Loving Life + Enjoying the Journey = Pure Joy

1 comment

  1. Joannie, you've got the right idead. The Lord will help you keep the right perspective and you will find joy among the trials. Sure do love you and your family.
