
Oh look at this beautiful girl! Lucy and Jane came home last week and I got to be with this little angel for a whole week. I miss her so much! I don't know if I have ever seen a more beautiful little girl. It was so good to spend time with Lucy and talk to my sister. I miss her so much. Living in Rexburg was not my favorite, but I do miss being so close to Lucy and Cody. We were sad that Cody wasn't able to come too.

These are the other two angels that I have been blessed with. Before school started for Adriana and I we went and saw Grease and Tuacahn. We had such a fun night. 

Life has been super crazy lately. I have been busy with school and work. Trying to balance school and a job gets pretty crazy. I love it though. I love being in St. George and going to school at Dixie. I have been called to be the ward representative for Institute so I have been busy with that. It has been so fun and I have met so many great people. I love institute. I love being there with all the teachers that just love you and want everything that is good for you. Also, I tried out for Inspiration Choir and I made it! I was so happy and excited! We sang our first performance on the 9th. I love singing! 

My swimming class is the best thing in the world! I love it. It is super challenging, but that's what is so great about it. I love being there in the morning and learning how to swim. The sun is coming up and the water feels amazing and I'm breathing hard. I just love exercising! 

I am still little by little coping with the sudden change of plans in my life. Most of the time I am doing great, but there's just that small percentage of the time when I remember what I thought I was going to be doing at this time and it makes me a little sad, but I have learned so much about grace. The Lord truly loves us and he loves to fix broken things. His grace is made perfect in our imperfections. I LOVE the third verse in the Hymn Precious Savior, Dear Redeemer.

"Precious savior, dear redeemer, thou wilt bind the broken heart. Let not sorrow overwhelm us; dry the bitter tears that start. Curb the winds and calm the billows; bid the angry tempest cease. Precious savior, dear redeemer, grant us everlasting peace. "

Inspiration choir sang this song for our first performance at the Friday Forum. I don't have very much time, but I have been learning so many truths lately too! I can't even believe how much truth there is in this world! I love truth!

One last Angel....

I heard from Mckay! He leaves the MTC this week, but not to Brazil....He still didn't know where he was going. He was so excited to be getting a temporary reassignment. He sounded a little nervous, but who wouldn't be?? He said that Elder Holland came to the MTC to speak and he was so excited! Mckay wrote that Elder Holland told them "If you're struggling right now...welcome to life!" I thought that was awesome!

Just some awesome insights from Mckay that have helped me:

"A mission isn't just about good times, fun and games, we are doing the Father's business, and it's time to go to work! I really like your life motto: "Do Hard Things." I think that it is a great motto. I too have a life motto: "Do Work." 

"I am recommitting myself to be EXACTLY obedient. There is always room for improvement."

"Just because we know something in our heads doesn't mean we know it in our hearts. The gospel doesn't become real to us when we believe it. It becomes real to us when we live it. There is a difference between testimony and conversion."

He's the bomb-diggity. 

Thank goodness for Angels the Lord sends to bear us up! 



  1. It was so fun to be able to visit with you in between your crazy busy schedule! Love you!

  2. HOW FUN! Joanie, did you know that I did Inspiration Choir and loved every minute of it. I still have great memories of Inspiration. Tell Brother Ellsworth hi!
