Purpose, Mission, Progress

There is something about looking up at the sky that makes me feel so insignificant/important. Is that a thing? Have you felt that way before? Something about watching the constant, but changing sky makes me feel free and connected with heaven. 

Life lately has been looking a lot different than I thought it would right now. I feel like life has put me in time out -- not for bad behavior, but honestly, for my health. 

Last month Mckay and I lost another baby. I spent 12 weeks pretty much on a self prescribed bed rest trying so hard to give everything this baby needed to grow and stay with us. The aching of a lost child, a lost opportunity, another lost hope are known to many. I won't dwell on this long. If I can bring myself to, I may write another post with updates. Hopefully we'll be finding answers soon. 

After having surgery to remove our sweet baby I found myself back on a path, journey, quest, I'm not sure what to call it, of finding out what my purpose is, what my mission is here on earth, and how and when I am supposed to fulfill these now, elusive, words. 

So for the last 2 1/2 months I have been searching. I haven't been working or really doing anything, but refocusing my life and healing. At first I felt rushed, an urgency to find a job, a career even, to fill up my time, distract me from my hurting. Understandable, I think, but that wasn't the answer. I have desperately needed this "time out." Each day I feel a step closer to having solid answers to these questions. Solid, in that they are founded in eternal truths, like God loves me, I am a child of God, I have a Savior that loves me and atoned for my sins, my hurting, and my experiences. 

I have learned that our purpose is truly to have joy, that we were created for the sole purpose of obtaining joy (2 Nephi 2:25). Joy isn't just a happy life, but a life full of the wide expanse of emotion and experience. There truly is no joy without experiencing the opposition (2 Nephi 2:11-14). 
"When people want only happiness, they can actually undermine their own development because their quest for happiness can lead them to suppress other aspects of their experience. Wanting to be happy can lead people to avoid (i.e., suppress) sadness when a loved one dies, or to avoid fear in the face of peril. The true meaning of being alive is not to feel happy, but to experience the full range of human emotion." - Edward L. Deci, Why We Do What We Do 
This truth has opened my eyes and has done wonders for the discontent in my heart. It has allowed me to embrace myself, my full self, mistakes, regrets, successes, failures, strengths, and weaknesses. To finally feel the start of a healthy, self-loving relationship. It has allowed me to be vulnerable with myself and gain confidence not only in my future, but in my ability to embrace the future wholeheartedly and contribute my small part to this great big beautiful world. 

How we achieve this purpose is entirely up to us. We were created to act, and not to be acted upon. How we achieve this purpose also changes depending on the season of our lives. 

In short, I think I am finally letting go of what my life should look like, what my mission should look like, and embrace each opportunity of experiencing joy - feeling all the emotions, contributing when and where I can. 


  1. I stumbled on your blog and I love what you wrote. You're a great writer. I wrote something similar last week but you said it much more eloquently! We're also dealing with our infertility struggles and even though I haven't experienced a miscarriage, I have a small understanding of the ache you feel. Hoping for the best for you.

    1. Julia!

      Thank you for commenting on my post! It is nice to meet you (virtually:)! Thank you for your sweet compliments. I don't really share my blog very often so I was surprised to hear you found my blog and to see your comment.

      I read your post from last week and I just want you to know that I have had very similar experiences. I am slowly learning how to accept and embrace. Thank you for sharing and connecting! Similar to you, I only anticipated being a mother as my "career." Many times I feel lost about what my purpose is, and feel the paralyzing fear of decisions and expectations. You are definitely not alone in that!

      Wishing you peace and joy in your specific and special journey!

