I'm Engaged!
On Saturday, September 28, 2013 my best friend asked me to marry him for eternity!
The Story:
I went up to Logan last weekend to spend time with Mckay. On Saturday we packed a picnic and headed to Green Canyon. It was a beautiful day so we wanted to enjoy the fleeting good weather. We picked a cute little hike to do and started on our way. We were taking pictures of the changing leaves and amazing fall colors. We even captured some of us too. We came to the end of our hike and turned around. The sun was shining on us and I had such a peaceful feeling. We stopped and gave each other a hug. Mckay asked me if I could have one wish what it would be. I told him that it would be to marry him today! He laughed, dropped to his knee, and asked me to marry him!
It was perfect.
There were so many beautiful tender mercies through the details of the day.
So on December 21, 2013 I will be sealed to Mckay and become forever more
Joan Marie Lindsey!
I am so happy for you Joanie! You two couldn't be more perfect!