
A very valuable lesson that I learned at BYU-Idaho is that we should always be seeking for truth. The Lord has placed truth everywhere in our lives it is our responsibility to search for it. I believe that truth is what makes us happy. The gospel of Jesus Christ is truth. That is the reason why it brings complete joy into my life. Truth is testified to our spirits by the Holy Ghost that is why it brings peace and comfort. 

Love: an act of work and courage.

Sister Twiggs, my substitute institute teacher, defined love as this. When she wrote this on the board I felt all of the peace and comfort and joy that accompanies truth. Love is work. True love is work. I have watched my sisters love their husbands and the dedication they devote to this relationship is inspiring. Watching them work so hard I have realized that this is not always easy, but I have seen them exercise faith and courage and reap the blessings of staying true to their covenants. There have been other couples and even other relationships that have taught me the same thing. 

Lately, I have felt overwhelming love from my Savior. I have felt such deep gratitude for the life that he has provided me. Learning this new definition of love has made me reflect on how much work the Lord has truly done and does for me to feel his love. He sacrificed all that he had for each individual human our Heavenly Father has created. At this time in my life I am planning. I am hoping and dreaming of all the things my life can hold. When I think about the courage that it would take for me to give up all of my dreams so others can live theirs I can just barely begin to understand the love that the Lord has for me. 

This is the truth that I have been taught. It has greatly added to my happiness. I hope that you seek for truth and experience the joy that it offers. Truth=knowledge=progression=happiness.  



When I stop to think about the process of growing up I am amazed. It seems like one day you are a little girl dreaming about high school, college, prince charming, and happily ever after. Then all of the sudden you wake up and all of that is staring at you in the face. I just recently read a book. I must admit I am an LDS novel reader. I love them. Anyway, I went to the Library and found one called Growing Up Gracie. It was really good. In a weird way it shed some light on my life and gave me hope. There are many people in my life who I admire and look to for guidance and direction. I have found myself more than once wondering how they became to be such amazing people. Little by little I am finding out how the Lord helped them become all that they are. Thankfully he knows what he is doing because in the last year I have been clueless. The view from where I am at life seems to be a big mess, but I know that the Lord sees the masterpiece. 

At this point the Lord has led me to a variety of things. 

1. School. Summer school started this week. For some odd reason I graduated high school and fell in love with learning. It is empowering. It leads us to progress. Although not all my classes are that uplifting I am enjoying my Interpersonal Communications class and Beginning Tennis class. Also, I have the opportunity to take the Old Testament Institute class with my sweet mother. In two classes the spirit has unlocked loads of light into my life.

2. Work. I have returned to Pasta Factory to work and in the last couple of weeks Brad has allowed me to wait tables. I have had such a fun time. Eventually I will get the hang of it and be able to not get so stressed. Tuacahn also starts this week. I wouldn't say I am exactly jumping for joy that it's starting up again, but I am definitely grateful for the job.

3. Running. I love it. It is painful and tiring, but at the same time it is rewarding and rejuvenating. Since last fall after I had a few months to forget all the details about the Half Marathon I have been super excited to start training again. I signed up last week and in seven weeks I will be faced with 13.1 miles of fun! I can't wait.

4. Adriana. This girl had blessed my life in countless ways in the last two months. When she heard that I was running the Bryce half again she asked me if she could train with me and run. I was more than happy to help her and to gain a running partner. There are some people who are just good. This girl is everything I hope that I can be. We are taking the Beginning Tennis class together and by the end of the term I am going to have rock soild abs from laughing at ourselves. 

5. YSA. I am going to the Young Single Adult ward and I love it. I love being around people my own age. It is a very close ward also. It is easy to feel welcome and comfortable, something I missed when attending BYU-I. 

6. Jordan. I received Elder Wittwer's last letter yeasterday. Tommorrow is his two year mark. He officially has 12 days left in Portugal. Jordan has this talent of bearing a simple, sincere testimony that brings peace everytime I read it. I am excited and ready for whatever happens when he comes home. It is a little surreal that I will talk with him face to face in less than two weeks! :) 

I believe that is it. My life has been full. I am so thankful.