This is me right after I took my very last final.
I now have a bachelor's degree in Parks and Recreation (No, I have not seen the TV show, but I am sure it is very funny).
Of course, after all the stress was over I reflected over the last 5 years. I felt a lot of emotions, mostly relief. This stage of my life has been rich with experience. I am so grateful for all the all the growth that has occurred because of those experiences. Such a wonderful blessing.
At the end of my Human Resources class my professor shared a quote with us and on our final had us write about it. The quote was, "Education is what is left after you've forgotten everything you learned." As I pondered this I started to recognize the "education" that I really have received. I have gone to 4 different universities and have studied several different subjects. These are all things that really I was kind of embarrassed about, but in reality it has contributed so much to my "education."
The last thing that I have noticed is my confidence level. From a baby freshman to a college graduate there are so many more things that I know I can do because of my college education. Throughout this stage in my life I felt a lot of fear and anxiety. The Lord pushed me hard. Looking back now, these experiences are the ones that gave me the confidence and peace that I was seeking. It is exciting and comforting to see this in the past, because I know that the trials and experiences ahead are going to continue to make me the person I am seeking to be.
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