Choices, choices, choices.
So many choices.
It seems like just when you decide something, another something comes up and it twists and turns the things you decided. I know. Pretty confusing.
Luckily, the Lord sent the Holy Ghost to help guide our way.
I got a new job today.
At this present time I feel like I am in a transition period and it is giving me a headache. There are so many things to think about and none of them are coming up yet.
The Key Office has been an interesting experience. I have learned so much and met some wonderful people. Because of some changes the atmosphere changed drastically. So I will now be working at the Upholstery Shop. Pretty funny, I know. My boss is going to be awesome though. Just talking to them today I felt so grateful for their understanding of my situation.
Fall semester is coming so quick. I know that seems silly since Summer hasn't even really started, but in less than two weeks I am going to Havasupai, coming back, starting Spring term, leaving for Wyoming before Spring term even ends, and by the time I get back school will be starting again.
Do I go through school as quick as I can? Or do I slow it down and prolong this period of life. I am excited to start practicing as a Rec Therapist, but also feel extremely inadequate. Pretty normal considering I just started my major classes.
Tuesday night was my concert for my choir class this semester. It was so fun. I just love music so much. Do I slow school down and extend it by adding a music minor? Would a music minor really be that beneficial for my field? But then again does it matter? Education is education. I am not just going to be a Rec Therapist in my life. I am hoping to be many things. A mother is included in that. Oh how I wish to bring music to my home. Some of my most cherished moments in my life have been with my mother singing or playing the piano together.
When I return in the Fall I want to try to get a job at a Residential Treatment Center. There is just so much for me to learn and so much experience for me to gain.
Today at work my friend Tessa said, "I am not afraid of change, but it is hard for me to let go." Way to hit it right on the head Tess. This is exactly how I am. Letting go of anything is the hardest thing for me. I get comfortable. Even if the changes are good and I know they are healthy I still have a hard time letting go of that part of my life.
Growing up, man. It is pretty tough sometimes.
This week I was contacted by Triangle C Ranch. I AM SO EXCITED!!
When my sister first told me about Triangle C I looked them up online and that night I spent over an hour looking at their sight and day dreaming. Now several months later I am only two months away from being there living a lifestyle I have always wanted to experience.
What is it about this lifestyle that is so appealing to me you ask? Honestly, it is the type of work. Getting up in the morning to go outside, be with horses, fix up a fence here and shovel some poop there. Yes, even shoveling poop sounds exciting to me! The best part about this is that I get to work with kids. It will be a great experience to get my creative juices running for my career. I get to stay in a teepee once a week. I know, pretty cool.
Provo is trying to decide if it is Spring yet or still Winter. Please pick Spring. I just want the sun to turn everything bright and vibrant. The rain is kind of nice though. It reminds me of Redding (my hometown).
Havasupai! Can't wait! It's going to be amazing.
Paradise+hiking+good company=one happy Joanie
Well, need to study for finals now. Work then play.
Be happy. Tomorrow is Friday!