I might pass Chemistry with a B this semester! I am pretty stoked! I tried to study so hard this time and I prayed constantly that I would be able to understand and do well on my test and God truly is merciful. When I was up at BYU-Idaho I took Math 110 which is just college algebra, but it was a lot different than any other algebra class I had taken. I remember going to the library, sitting down, and telling Heavenly Father that I needed a miracle and that I was going to put faith in him to help me pass this class...God can do a lot with a little bit of faith and a lot of hard work.
Guess what else?? I got a letter from Mckay! This is my third time hearing from him since he has been in Brazil. He is so awesome. I love and respect him so much. Not that I am counting, because I really am NOT waiting for another missionary, but, last Friday he hit 9 months being on his mission. Where does time go? I love being busy, but sometimes it is a little frightening how fast life goes by if you aren't paying attention. Anyway, I am happy for him and it sounds like he is loving it in Brazil. He told me in his letter he is starting to really love certain things about Brazil, like eating beans and seeing horses tied up like pets in people's yards. The beginning of his letter was really weird looking, but he said that he was writing on a rock and it was pretty difficult. He is such a goofball!
Guess what else??? I have been accepted to BYU-Provo for Summer semester and am moving to Provo May 14. Crazy right? Who would have really thought I would end up at BYU? Not me! that's for sure. Still, sometimes I think about it and wonder how this happened?? :) There are still a lot of kinks to work out, like finding a job, and paying for everything, but I am just going to move forward with faith and work really hard! But, I am officially a BYU Cougar!
Can I just say...I love this girl so much. She is the most beautiful girl inside and out. I don't know how she got so good, but I hope one day I can be more like her. I am so thankful for her friendship, patience and constant encouragement. It is amazing how much easier life is with good people in your life who believe in you and look out for you. I am going to miss her like crazy when I move. It makes my heart so sad, but it just means lots of visits and texts, and calls. :)
There has been a lot more things that have happened this semester, but it would just take so long to write. Maybe after finals I will try to summarize....maybe.
Well, have a great day!
Peace and Blessings
Peace and Blessings