First, there's this book that has had a huge influence on my life. My Family professor had us read it for class. It's called Leadership and Self-deception: Getting out of the Box.
It's written by The Arbinger Institute. The concepts in the book have opened my eyes to a different way of thinking. Everyone in the world should read this book. For real.
The Biggest Winner is so awesome! My team is the best. The latest news is that we are officially in second place overall and first place for weight loss. They are determined and they are getting results. I am so blessed to be apart of this program and these people's lives, sharing in their little sucesses. Also, Crystal and Josh got engaged a couple of weeks ago. We are so excited for them. They are going to be the hottest newlyweds.
Go Team Blue!
Pretty much at any moment Lucy could have her baby. Everytime she calls me, no matter what I am doing, I pick up afraid that she's going into labor and needs me to help her. Haha! On Tuesday I went with her to the Birthing Center for her weekly appointment. I know that everything is going to go well and that her and Cody are going to be the best parents. Baby Jane is a lucky girl, getting such amazing parents. Caleb Thornton is also a lucky little boy. He's being born into a beautiful family with faithful parents and the cutest brother and sister.
13 Days!
Elder Jamie Panganiban only has 13 days until he comes home! I AM SO EXCITED!! No one in the world could have a better older brother. I love him so much. His mission has meant so much to him and he has looked forward to it his whole life. I am so happy that he was able to go to Japan and serve the Lord as a full-time missionary for 2 years and 3 weeks. AND he turns 21 tomorrow! I hope he has a very happy birthday and isn't too busy that he can't celebrate.
Speaking of Missions...I recieved a call last weekend from another one of my good friends Mckay Wayne Lindsey. He opened his call and he has been called to serve in the Brazil, Porto Alegre South Mission. He is going to be an amazing missionary. He has changed my life and I am so excited for him to change lives in Brazil.
Okay, I am trying to grow my hair out so that I can donate it to Locks of Love and it's killing me. It needs to grow a bit longer so that I don't have to cut it super short, but it's taking forever! It's okay though. It's worth it.
One of the classes I am taking this semster is called American Foundations. It's just basically a class on the birth of our country and the Constitution. My teacher is a little crazy, but I love him. He is so passionate about the Constitution. He jumps around our class sometimes when he gets really excited. The only thing is that his tests are hard, but miraculously I have been able to get A's on the two he's given. I am taking Science Foundations also and it is pretty interesting. We just finished studying astronomy and now we are starting chemisrty (Yay!). After blowing our minds with crazy cool information my professor always asks us "Can you put God in a box?" I love that simple, but profound reminder every Tuesday and Thursday. School is so great. I am so thankful to be in college.
This last week the weather has felt so good in Rexburg. I have tried to take advantage of it and be outside as much as possible. I did get to run up to the Temple and around campus. It felt so good! Oh, the Temple opened again this last week so I got to do baptisms. Another tender mercy.
Life is great. I am so blessed. I hope that you enjoyed this super random blog. :) Have a great three day weekend. I know I am going to.
Joanie, Wow, life is going really good for you. Your Biggest Loser group looks so fun! You are such a great support to Lucy. Someday you will know how important that has been to her. Keep up the good work and hopefully we'll see you soon!!!