Some Thoughts From the Heart

     In honor of the Sabbath day I decided to post this Mormon message. There are a couple of reasons why I like this one. First, because it is filmed around my hometown and second, because it's exactly what I need to remember. Sometimes in the hubbub of life I forget that life goes on and There are good things to come. I have learned a lot today. I am so thankful for days like these.
     I was looking on and on their picture sliding thing that highlights some of their content. I clicked on a Liahona talk by Neil L. Anderson. Something he said was really applicable in my life at this time.
"Faith is not only a feeling; it is a decision. Choose to have faith."   
     So, I just got off the phone with my brother Jamie. Since he has been home we have talked a lot about everything. I just love him so much and am so happy that he is home!

Anyway, I was looking through some of my school work from high school and I stumbled across two poems that I wrote in Creative Writing. They made me miss writing poetry. I think I would like to share them.


In the depths of humility
I fall helplessly
to the ground.
The grass flattens
under the sudden weight.
I can smell his holiness.
His purity fills my lungs
and rests on my tongue
as I weep at his feet.
My weightless heart
is lifted to a higher state.
The ground quivers
as he descends
down to my imperfect being.
I can feel his arms
wrap around me
as I have imagined
so many times before.
The nail prints in his hands
pound against my lips.
I kiss this precious gift
that is beyond my understanding,
my comprehension.
I feel his love
encompass me
until I am reborn.


Sinking in the darkness
the blackness closing in
I cower at the memory
of my life so full of sin

Helplessly I wander
time is running out
death is surely coming
silent, I desperately shout

Then suddenly I see a flash
piercing through the night
a glorious burst of energy
filling my soul with light

I recognize this still small voice
it whispers truths to me
a loving father knows my name
and all that I’m to be

He’s given me a perfect son
to follow in this life
to bear my burdens, lift my soul
and sustain me through the strife

I do not fear, my sins are gone
His blood has made me new
I lift my head and see the path
my heart already knew

     I hope that you like them. :)
    Since I'm being churchy there is a song that you should look up. It's called "I am His Daughter." It's on youtube. It's an EFY song for 2010. Oh and another one is called "I Will" from 2009 EFY. I think you'll like them.
I love the Gospel. I really do. Have a great Sabbath everyone!